APP《Easy AccountBook》's Technical Support (English)

《Easy AccountBook》(In different languages, also called《随意记账》, 《隨意記帳》, 《簡単な記帳》) is an app that provides services for users who have personal habits of recording income and expenses. You can set accounting details and view specific information, set different languages, and choose the currency type you want. It is very convenient to use! Let's give it a try!

At present, the APP is a pure standalone type and not connected to the internet. In addition, the bottom of this page is a screenshot of the main functions of our APP. The functions from top to bottom in the screenshot are: setting language, startup image, homepage, accounting query homepage, recording income page and My page.

If you have any technical or other problems, please contact us at our email address:

APP《随意记账》的技术支持 (中文)

《随意记账》(在不同的语言中,还可以叫做《Easy AccountBook》、《隨意記帳》、《簡単な記帳》)是一个为各位平时有个人记录收支习惯的用户提供服务的APP。您可以设置记账详情和查看具体信息,可以设置不同的语言和和选择您想要的货币类型,使用起来十分方便!来试试吧!

